
BJK Photos Data Security

We understand your safety concerns and have made it our priority.

Important Student & Staff Data Privacy

FAQ for School Record Custodians

  • What Data does BJK Photos require?

    The data required for photo day varies depending upon the services and deliveries the school has requested from BJK Photos. Basic class lists; including names, grade, teacher & student id numbers* are necessary before photo day to allow for perfect image and name matching and to create a photo day experience that is the least disruptive to your school and staff.

    If allowed, parent email addresses are collected to allow BJK Photos to communicate directly with the parents, on the school’s behalf regarding Photo Day. Information communicated is limited to photo dates, tips for preparing for photography and information about how to purchase photographs of their children.

    *Student Id numbers are a requirement of most school administrative systems and allow BJK Photos to produce files for importing directly into the school’s administrative systems. In addition, Student ID numbers may be required for generating Student ID cards when that service is requested.

  • How does BJK Photos use the School Data?

    BJK Photos, LLC uses the data only as necessary to create the school administrative products for the school and provide photography products for the families of the student. BJK Photos, LLC does not sell or license such data to others. To the extent service providers are employed by BJK Photos, LLC to assist in fulfilling BJK Photos, LLC obligations, we require strict compliance of privacy, confidentiality and security measures.

    BJK Photos retains data only as necessary to promote the sale of portraits to parents and to retrieve the images to fulfill portrait orders and support the school for approved administrative purposes. Once such data is no longer required for these purposes, it is securely destroyed. While retained the images remain under BJK Photos, LLC control and is treated as confidential information.

  • What about FERPA?

    BJK Photos, LLC acknowledges its obligations as a service provider to your school for student and staff photography pursuant to the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and its impending regulations. As such, we affirm that BJK Photos, LLC has a legitimate need for certain School Data to provide the services to the school as contracted. Your school has the authority to control BJK Photos, LLC use of School Data including requesting the return or destruction of School Data provided to BJK Photos, LLC at any time.

    In addition, BJK Photos, LLC will make every effort to meet additional data handling requirements as prescribed by state law or school district policies provided we are notified prior to disclosure.

  • How does BJK Photos protect the Data?

    BJK Photos, LLC utilizes a variety of physical, technical and organizational measures to ensure security.

    Data Center & Networks: BJK Photos, LLC data center is in complete control by authorized BJK Photos personnel. Access is limited to personnel that have the proper credentials based upon their role. Devices storing or providing access to School Data are protected with multi layer security strategies we also use to secure our own business records; including firewalls on our routers and servers, monitoring, security alerts, venerability scanning and authentication procedures.

    Personnel: All BJK Photos, LLC employees undergo Federal and State background checks and sign a confidentiality agreement as a requirement of employment. Employees are granted access of data limited to only what is necessary to perform their job. Appropriate measures are taken to enforce these policies.


Security is #1

PLIC Go! is a web tool developed by Photolynx, a leader in providing workflow software for independent school photographers. PLIC Go! lets us collaborate in a secure enviornment; allowing us to provide even better service to your school.


  • Upload

    It all begins with your student and staff data. Two weeks prior to photography we request that you upload your data files to us to allow us to prepare for photography. For details on what is required click here.

  • Download

    Download your marketing fileis from your PLIC Go account prior to photography. Once photography is complete we will upload your student and staff images into your account. From there you have complete access to download the images. Choose from a variety of standard export formats or we can custom design exports to fit your unique needs.

  • Be Creative

    PLIC Go offers much more than just image downloads. We can create designs for certificates, ID cards and other print products that you can render on demand using the student and staff data & images. BJK Photos will work with you on designing items specific to your needs.